educating and exciting others about science and the brain
Brain Awareness Week 2023
This year was my second year of being a member of the UW Speakers Bureau, and I went to teach at a local Seattle 4th grade classroom, where we learned about neurons, the parts of a neuron, and how neurons communicate. We made pipe-cleaner neurons and connected them to make our classroom “network” of neurons :)
March 2023

Evening with Neuroscience 2022
The UW Gray Matters group hosts an annual “Evening with Neuroscience,” which attracts several hundred attendees including UW students and the general public. This year, I collaborated with Gray Matters to present a demonstration of live brain recordings via an electroencephalography (EEG) device on audience volunteers. As part of the demonstration, I showed how to put on this EEG device, explained the neurophysiology involved in collecting electrical neural signals, and discussed device limitations, including how EEG tends to be sensitve to movement artifacts. I had a lot of fun engaging with the audience, and I thank Gray Matters for organizing this event and for inviting me to contribute.
May 2022

Brain Awareness Week 2022
I was a member of the UW Speakers Bureau, an online catalog of speakers put together by Dr. Eric Chudler, where teachers can visit the website and request speakers to present in their classroom during Brain Awareness Week. I visited a classroom in the UW Robinson Center and gave a 50-minute interactive presentation that introduced neurotechnology to 4-6th graders.
March 2022
Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners
I was invited to present an Intro to Neural Decoding to the Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners group.
January 2022
A few minutes with Dr. Eric Chudler
A short conversation with Dr. Eric Chudler about my background and research interests.
April 2021
Meet a Neuroscientist! Pacific Science Center
Answering questions from students at local Seattle schools about the brain.
April 2021
CNT Neuroethics Panel
Organized and moderated a virtual neuroethics panel in the Center for Neurotechnology, where I invited local neuroethicists and industry members to answer audience questions about how we should approach equity and ethics in STEM, neurotechnlogy, and research as a whole.
July 2020